Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Meet Kashi.

And Marley.

A few minutes ago I sat on the floor to play with them. Within seconds they were fighting each other because they both wanted attention.
Two hands.
Two dogs.
I can pay attention to them both at the same time. But they are so jealous of the attention that the other one is getting, they end up getting nothing.

As much as I hate to admit it, especially publicly, I struggle a little with jealousy. I see God blessing others or moving on some one's behalf and, though I'm happy for them, I feel a little jealous. I know it is terrible. I know it is selfish. It is one of the things I deeply desire to change about myself.

While I sat there, watching them fight in an attempt to get my attention, I couldn't help but think:
I'm right here.
I'm trying to be with you.
Don't you know that I'm capable?
You're wasting your time and you are missing out on what I want to do for YOU.

It reminded me of Numbers 11:23, "The Lord answered Moses, 'Is the Lord's arm too short?"

Is the Lord's arm too short to take care of all His children?